Your story of Loss.
Loss happens. Grief follows. Life falls apart. It breaks into pieces. What do you do? Where do you turn?
Maybe you have tried on your own to find resources to help you through your loss, but how do you know what is right for you, who is properly equipped to walk with you through your grief?
Perhaps, well-meaning loved ones have tried to offer their help and support, but without the proper understanding, this has unintentionally created more pain.
I am so sorry you are going through your unique experience of loss, but I am so glad you are here. My desire is to walk alongside you, offering care, support, and encouragement in a safe, and welcoming environment. I want you to know that your loss is real, personal, and completely unique to you. There isn't one way to grieve. There is no time frame for healing. No magic formula. No one-size fits all plan.
But…there is hope. I want to help you find what works best for you so you can honor yourself, your loss, your grief, and your pain. I am committed to providing compassionate support, practical tools and useful resources to help you face your loss right where you are, while at the same time walking with you as you find hope in piecing your life back together. That is Mosaic.
Reach out to us
All initial consultations are free and flexible to meet in person or through video call.
What is grief?
Grief is the result of a significant loss and it hurts. Loss is often devastating and disorienting. Although it can feel like you are losing your mind, grief is actually a normal, healthy response to the life-altering, unwelcome pain you are experiencing.
We also know that loss comes in many forms. It isn't only the loss of a loved one that creates grief but can also be divorce, the loss of a relationship, loss of career, declining health, loss of financial stability, your childhood, a pet, or the loss of someone or something even though they are still present like Alzheimer’s disease or drug addiction.
Your feelings of grief are real, personal, and they are valid. No two people experience loss and grief the same way. Unfortunately, our culture emphasizes rushing through the process of moving on with life, or hiding and covering up our pain to just ‘get over it’. But feelings don’t have to be covered up or hidden. I can help you coexist with your grief as well as give you a safe space to be heard and experience support even if your loss occurred years ago. I am dedicated to providing resources, understanding, and practical tools to help you navigate your way forward.
Why Loss Coaching?
You are the expert of your life and your loss. The way you experience your loss and the accompanying grief is unique to you. Loss, however, can turn your life upside down and make it hard to find your way through. At Mosaic, we recognize your need for empathetic listening, non-judgmental support, self-care, and self-compassion.
Having lived through my own story of loss has helped me to understand when life shatters, it can be difficult to piece back together. It is my privilege to give you a safe space to experience your feelings and provide the support needed on your journey to a new normal. I will help you find the appropriate tools and circle that will best support you. I will help you honor yourself, honor your feelings, assist you in self-care, walk with you as you process your emotions and help you find what best serves you, including how to move away from what doesn't. There is power and healing in sharing your story with another and in finding your unique path for living with your loss.
Coaching or Counseling?
This is an important but often confusing question. “What is the difference?” “Which is right for me?”
A great place to start is to ask yourself, “What point am I at in this journey?”
Counseling is most often recommended during the initial trauma to help you cope with grief and all of the overwhelming emotions that surround loss. It is designed to help support you as you move towards normal functioning and is imperative if you are experiencing complicated grief.
Coaching is designed to walk with you when you are ready to move in a forward direction. Coaching is a good fit when you are looking to make decisions, build your confidence back, or take the next steps in piecing your life back together.
Loss can bring unwelcome change and confusion. What should I do now? How do I move forward? As confusing as this time may be, you still possess strengths and gifts that can be used to help you find your way. A coach can partner with you to discover those strengths and provide clarity by working with you to create stepping stones towards your future. Working with a coach can help you find meaning in your life, set new personal goals, and equip you to face challenges that may arise.
A coach is not going to fix what happened or change anything about the loss, but we can provide an empathetic and supportive environment for you to continue your process of healing and growth.
Our Promise
To be honest, open, non-judgmental, compassionate and dedicated to creating a space for your pain and your loss. No expectations. No rushing.
About Us
Mosaic was created out of the broken pieces of my own loss story and a personal desire to reach back into the depth to help others find a way to live with their loss and face their pain. I have not only walked this path and experienced the added frustration of feeling alone, facing limited resources, and encountering lack of understanding, but I have seen firsthand the impact that unheard pain has on a person’s entire life through my work as a SAP Counselor in Montgomery County and Academic Advisor at a local university. I have felt called to turn my experience, expertise, and energy towards creating a space for grievers to share their pain and allow their stories to be heard and honored. I would like to welcome you here and let you know that you are valued, loved, and not alone.